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General information
Major aim of the journal
The major aim of the journal is the publishing of the papers in the field of corporate governance and sustainability with application to both macro and microeconomic issues with prior securing the high standard of quality of the papers through managing the peer and blind reviewing of the papers and further dissemination of research results to make it beneficial both for the reading audience and the reputation of the authors of the papers.
The distinctive focus of the journal is original, rigorous research with practical applications. We consider the publication of Corporate Governance and Sustainability Review as an effective instrument to put in order the debate around corporate governance and sustainability efforts worldwide.
Key-topics of the journal
- Business ethics
- Sustainable finance
- Corporate governance and reporting
- Accounting and disclosure
- Corporate social responsibility
- Stakeholder’s engagement
- Performance measurement and management control
- Cash flows and earning management
- Ethical, social and governance (ESG) factors
- Integrated reporting
- Shareholder activism, shareholder protection and valuation effects
- Socially responsible investing
- Fraud and accounting scandals
- Corporate social performance
- Creating shared value (CSV)
- Corporate citizenship
- Corporations and business purpose
- Ethics and boards of directors
- Business-government interactions
Frequency of publishing
The journal is published by the rolling model. This means, that as soon as a paper is accepted for publication, we initiate typesetting procedures. After the approval of the paper layout by the corresponding author, we add the paper to the current issue of the journal online. There are 4 issues of the journal per year. At the end of each season, we close the formation of the issue and publish contents of it online. After this, we publish the issue in print and start forming the next issue. Such model allows us to meet modern requirements of the research community for the timely publications. The authors, whose papers are accepted earlier do not need to wait for the complete issue to be formed, but their paper will be published online straight after the acceptance.
Reading audience of the journal
The journal is aimed at researchers, lecturers, students pursuing a research in the field of corporate governance, sustainability and related fields, practitioners.
Journal’s Open Access Statement
Corporate Governance and Sustainability Review adheres to the BOAI definition of open access: that users have the right to "read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles".
Starting from February 2025, the journal became completely open access. In this way we address respect to our network and provide an opportunity to our authors to publish their papers in OA.
Acceptance rate and turnaround time
Acceptance rate is the ratio of the number of articles submitted to the number of articles published. The acceptance rate for articles submitted in 2023 is 26%.
‘Turnaround time’ is defined as the date from when a manuscript was first received by the journal to the date the author of the manuscript was provided with a first decision (the first report of the paper reviewer). Turnaround time for articles submitted in 2023 is 41 days. Total turnaround time from paper submission to its publication (including all rounds of reviewing, revision, typesetting and proofreading) is 20 weeks.
History of the journal
In January 2017 the international network of the Virtus Global Center for Corporate Governance and our networking scholar Dr. Cesario Mateus initiated to establish the new journal which will help academics and practitioners to develop mentioned topic in terms of scholarly papers and find proper mechanisms and instruments of corporate governance within the framework of sustainability.
Recent research in the field of corporate governance highlights the necessity for the corporate leaders and all related stakeholders to perform their activity within the concept of sustainable development. This can be viewed as the request of the society, the result of numerous debates on the topic or conscious choice of the corporation. Sustainable development is not just a fancy public ration tool or a merely reputational instrument for the company. In this context the function of periodical publications is growing rapidly as scholarly, peer-reviewed journals are important for disseminating the results of the academic research worldwide and securing the quality if the research publication through a rigorous peer reviewing or the papers. To reach these goals an international group of scholars addressed the idea of the journal to publishing house Virtus Interpress assuming a responsibility to establish a new corporate governance journal "Corporate Governance and Sustainability Review" that was finally established in January 2017.
ISSN 2519-898X (online)
ISSN 2519-8971 (print)
Registered by Ministry of Justice of Ukraine № 22582-12482Р
The journal ownership
Corporate Governance and Sustainability Review journal is owned and published by the publishing house "Virtus Interpress".
Methods of journal’s finance and revenue sources
Methods of journals’ finance and revenue sources of the journal are article processing fees, subscriptions (for non-open access content), reprints, institutional/organizational support, etc.
Corporate Governance and Sustainability Review journal does not allow any sort of advertisement on the journal pages. The journal publishes just scholarly papers and related content (Editorials).
Direct marketing
Any direct marketing activities, including solicitation of manuscripts that are conducted on behalf of the journal, are appropriate, well targeted, and unobtrusive. Information provided about the Publisher or journal is truthful and not misleading for readers or authors.
Other important information
This journal is a member of, and subscribes to the principles of, the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) www.publicationethics.org.
Virtus Interpress as a Publisher of the journal is a signatory of ORCID since 2018.
Our depositing, copyright policies & self-archiving policies are registered with SHERPA/RoMEO.