Corporate governance: Examining key challenges and perspectives/Conference proceedings

Publishing house Virtus Interpress introduces conference proceedings titled "Corporate governance: Examining key challenges and perspectives" focused on the variety of corporate governance issues, such as board of directors, ownership structures, accounting, auditing and taxation, general issues of corporate governance, etc.
- ISBN: 978-617-7309-12-2
- DOI: 10.22495/cgekcp
- Edited by: Alexander Kostyuk, Maria João Coelho Guedes, Dmytro Govorun
- Number of pages: 254
- Published: 2020
- Cover: paperback/ebook
How to cite: Kostyuk, A., Guedes, M. J. C., & Govorun, D. (Eds.). (2020). Corporate governance: Examining key challenges and perspectives.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Synopsis: The conference proceedings book "Corporate governance: Examining key challenges and perspectives" discusses recent trends in scholarly research related to corporate governance. Authors consider both traditional issues of corporate governance and those that have been challenged recently. The structure of this conference proceedings book is very innovative as it presents not only the materials of the presenters at the conference but also the full list of comments generated by the conference participants during the forum discussion. More than 50 scholars from more than 20 countries of the world and all continents took an active part in the conference forum discussions and provided more than 450 comments related to the conference presentations. At the end of the book a set of interesting infographics provides very useful analytics about the conference forum.
Contents Preface Infographics Conference index Complete PDF file of the book